Welcome to The Waterfront Medical Centre, Clonakilty, West Cork.


Following best practice advice from health authorities, at The Waterfront we have decided to restrict non-essential access to our facility. As COVID is more dangerous for those with underlying medical conditions, and of an older age group, it is imperative that we take action to protect from the spread of this virus to our most at risk patients.

Only those who are injured or acutely unwell will be seen face to face. Even then if there is any chance of viral infection, patients will be assessed by phone before access to the surgery is allowed. Most things can be managed at home or adequately dealt with over the phone. While nothing is better than face to face discussion and examination, these are exceptional times and our experienced staff will determine what is necessary and when.

Prescriptions will need to be updated and we hope to be able to manage most requests remotely with the help of our colleagues in the local pharmacies. If you are starting to run short contact us a few days in advance of email off this website, or email us at reception@clonakiltydoctor.ie

We will regularly update our facebook page @waterfrontmedicalcentre

Remember keep your social circle small. If you stay in it’s hard to catch. Stay safe and contact us if you are in need.