Welcome to The Waterfront Medical Centre, Clonakilty, West Cork.

Book an Appointment

You can make an appointment with a Doctor or Nurse by phoning on 023 8835102, or by calling in person when the reception is open. We run an appointment system only but if there is an appointment free, we will try to accommodate you. PLEASE READ OUR COVID SECTION FIRST AS THIS WILL DETERMINE IF AN APPOINTMENT WILL BE OFFERED.

If more than one person needs to be seen it is important to inform the Secretary at the time of making the appointment, as time may not be available, and refusal often offends.

In the case of no appointment being available, but you feel you need to be seen urgently, please inform the secretary and she will discuss with a GP with regards to whether space can be made (or they may phone you back). In the winter months appointments are booking very quickly and there may not be availability on the same day. Therefore, if you know you will need to be seen, ring before 10am and hopefully an appointment will be available. Telephone consultations are not routinely offered and the Doctor may not get to phone you back on the day. Again, if it is something that may need to be seen please make an appointment to come in.

New Patients

If you are a new patient to the practice you will need to register first. Unfortunately, at present we are unable to take on any new patients. This hopefully will change in the near future. For this reason we are keeping a waiting list for new patients, and as space becomes available we are letting people know. You will need to come in and fill out a form to be placed on this list. We prioritise registered patient’s and their families on receipt of medical cards.  If you wish to discuss this please contact reception.  It is necessary to provide your contact phone number, to contact you back. If you are happy to be contacted by SMS message for routine messages or by email, please tick ‘yes’ on the form.  If you are on medication please bring them or a list of what you are currently taking to the first appointment.


House Calls

If a house call is needed, try to inform the secretary before 10am so it can be scheduled. If it is an emergency please tell the secretary. Please note that the GP who attends the house call may not be your usual GP. We encourage people to attend the practice as much as possible as certain tests e.g. nebulisation, ECG tests, etc. can only be performed in the surgery.

Telephone Enquiries

The practice nurse will be happy to take phone calls between 14.30 and 15.30 hours. If you need to talk to one of the doctors it may not be possible when you telephone, but if you leave a message they will endeavour to call you back. However please note this may be at the end of the evening, and possibly not on the same day.


48 hours notice required.